Strangely, I thought I'd never read any Moore, but I have the book, Lost Girls. It's the erotic adventures of Alice, Dorothy and Wendy, right? I was recommended it by a girl who had a good idea of my tastes. Very good. I didn't realise it was Alan Moore. I mean I knew it was, it says it on the front, but I didn't know who Moore was. Never read anything by him and wasn't Aware of him until I got that book, which didn't make me any more aware of him. I'd heard of him and saw him talking on YouTube. The same girl recommended another book by him (Jerusalem) but when I got it, it was massive and I never read it. Didn't know much about him until you told me to look at him and sent me links to a couple of bits about him.

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I keep squaring up to Jerusalem but it keeps shrugging me off... As for comics, most people recommend Watchmen but I really think you'd like From Hell for def. It's a great (the great) London book, for one.

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Cool. Cheers.

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